Phase 3 Complete for Tree Protection Bylaw Review
On Monday, July 11, 2022, at a Regular Meeting of Council, North Saanich Council directed staff to proceed to the next phase of the Tree Protection Bylaw review, Phase 4: Bylaw Approval Process.
Council discussed a staff report that provided information, analysis, and recommendations regarding an update on the Tree Protection Bylaw Review project, including the Phase 3 Report: Engagement on Alternatives. Council received the Phase 3 Report: Engagement on Alternatives.
The Phase 3: Engagement on Alternatives report provided a comprehensive review of the engagement activities and the feedback received throughout this phase, during spring 2022. Findings from community engagement on the bylaw indicated some clear preferences for updates. The 17 recommendations included in the report sought to address the feedback received.
Council directed staff to make the revisions to the draft Tree Protection Bylaw as outlined in the 17 recommendations within the staff report in table 1. Council also directed staff to track additional data associated with tree removals as part of the application process.
Lastly, Council also approved additional budget in 2022 to support Phase 4 of the Tree Protection Bylaw Review.
Phase 4 will include incorporating the Council-directed changes and revising the draft Tree Protection Bylaw and District Tree Policy to align. In September, staff will present the Tree Protection Bylaw to Council for first, second, and third reading, as well as bring the Municipal Ticketing Information and the Fees and Charges amending bylaws for first, second, and third reading. At the same meeting, Council will also be presented with the final draft District Tree Policy.
At a subsequent meeting, Council will be presented with the Tree Protection Bylaw and amending bylaws to the Municipal Ticketing Information Bylaw and the Fees and Charges Bylaw for adoption. At the same meeting, Council will be presented with the District Tree Policy for endorsement.
To support the application of the new bylaw there will be educational guides, communications, and materials.
Staff will report back to Council at a later date on an incentives program specific to subsidized tree planting and the subsidized maintenance of trees.