December 13 COW Meeting
Council will meet to discuss the Tree Protection Bylaw Review at a Committee of the Whole Meeting on Monday, December 13 at 7 p.m. The meeting agenda has been published at
The purpose of the December 13 meeting is:
- For council to discuss engagement options for Phase 3, and consider approving an increased budget to support the completion of the associated deliverables
- Review the additional research prepared by the project team in response to Council’s request at the November 1, 2021 Council Meeting, including:
- providing more information about other municipalities implementing a tree minimum approach in their tree bylaws,
- summarizing tree removal and canopy cover trends in North Saanich, and
- compiling information about tree retention and planting incentives found within tree bylaws and in other municipal incentive programs
As always, we welcome public participation and input at this meeting by:
- Submitting written correspondence pertaining to items on the agenda to by noon on Monday, December 13. This correspondence will be considered by Council as a “late item” for inclusion on the agenda.
- Attending in-person to speak or watch by pre-registering, by noon on Monday, December 13 via email to Up to 40 in-person attendees; masks must be worn at all times.
- Attending virtually to speak by pre-registering, by noon on Monday, December 13 via email to Each person has 3 minutes to present their perspective.
- Attending virtually to watch through the livestream at
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