Tatlow & Deep Cove Neighbourhood Traffic Calming

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About the Project:

The District of North Saanich is undertaking a project to improve community safety and comfort along Tatlow, Birch, Wain and Downey Roads along with key intersections at these roadways within Deep Cove, through the introduction of traffic calming and gateway treatments. These improvements to the roadway will have the effect of reducing traffic speeds, and encouraging increased attention and care when travelling, thereby making the community safer for all users, whether walking, cycling, on horseback or driving.

Project Timeline:

  • Community Engagement - April/May 2024
  • Draft Recommendations - Summer 2024
  • Public Open House - September 18, 2024 - Wain Rd Fire Hall, 6-8pm
  • Final Recommendations presented to Council - Q4 2024 / Q1 2025

Community Engagement:

District staff are keen to hear from community members about traffic and safety issues within and nearby the project areas, as well as what specific types of improvements are desired. Community members will have the following opportunities to provide feedback to District staff:

  • A survey and online mapping tool opened April 3 - April 21, 2024. The online mapping tool can be used to indicate precise locations within the community where the respondent wishes to provide feedback. Individual feedback will also be received via the project site.
  • A public open house will be held September 18, where preliminary recommendations and treatment options will be presented. Community members will be able to provide comment on recommendations, vote for their preferred treatment options, and suggest additional tweaks.

UPDATE November 15, 2024

What We Heard Report added to Documents. This report summarizes findings from both rounds of community engagement. The key takeaways from this summary will guide the recommended improvements in the final report.

UPDATE Sept 13, 2024

The Draft Deep Cove Neighborhood Gateway Plan and the Draft Tatlow Traffic Calming Plan are now available for review (on the right, under Documents).

UPDATE - Community Engagement #1 - Survey

Survey Responses Report PDF (summary and verbatim responses) added to Documents

What We Heard Summary from Survey #1:

A collection of comments received from survey participants is shown below. These comments help form the preliminary recommendations and options.


  • Extend curb protected asphalt sidewalk on east side of West Saanich Road past Tatlow intersection, and add traffic calming to this area
  • Zebra crosswalk at Tatlow / Clayton Trail
  • Traffic calming may encourage more traffic through West Saanich school zone
  • Road surface needs repair – hazard for cyclists
  • Slow down traffic – speed reader board
  • Mixed opinions on speed humps
  • Sidewalks/bike lanes
  • Equestrian path
  • No trucks except local traffic
  • Crosswalk with lights at Clayton Trail
  • Crosswalk at Horth Hill trail
  • Removal of centreline (2 say it encourages speeding)
  • Bike pullouts (1 says it saves trees over a bike lane)
  • Parking at the commercial stand is an issue (no/limited off-street parking)
  • Crosswalk between 2 segments of Laurel/Heather – a route to school
  • Stop signs
  • Preserve trees in Right of Way
  • (Some say no changes needed)

Deep Cove:

  • Birch Road:
    • East of Meldran curve – blind driveway with possible vegetation/hydro pole obstruction
    • Crosswalk at Wain Park – visibility should be improved
    • Speeding not as bad as Tatlow
    • Poor visibility/sightlines at west end of road
    • Extend existing trail
    • Speed bumps, especially near park (mixed opinions on this)
    • Bikes should slow down
  • Wain Road:
    • Not enough walking space
    • Speeding concerns
    • Traffic calming, especially Derrick to West Saanich
    • Mixed opinions on speed bumps (1 says will cause added acceleration noise after bump)
    • 4-way stop at Wain / West Saanich
    • Roundabout at Wain / West Saanich
    • Multi-use path (MUP)
    • Stop sign at Derrick
    • Walking trail connection at crest of hill – traffic calming needed
  • Downey Road:
    • Equestrian signage
    • Traffic calming from Derrick to West Saanich (1 says also to the hill west of Derrick)
    • Stop sign at Derrick
    • Sidewalks
    • Hedge trimming at West Saanich, Derrick, Deep Cove Rd
    • Equestrian safety concerns (speeding, etc.)

Project Area & Definitions:

The project area is defined in the map below. Traffic calming is proposed for Tatlow Road between Wain Road and West Saanich Road, while gateway treatments are proposed for the intersections of Birch, Wain and Downey Roads with West Saanich Road. The west portion of Tatlow Road (between West Saanich Road and Chalet Road) is outside of the study area, however recommended treatments will be considered for this portion of the roadway.

Traffic Calming refers to physical changes to the roadway that are intended to reduce traffic speeds, and can include speed humps, chicanes, curb extensions, pedestrian refuge islands and others. Traffic calming can also incorporate a variety of visual changes which are designed to increase driver attentiveness.

Gateway Treatment refers to physical changes and augmentations to the roadway that signify a transition between an area where higher vehicle speeds are permissible, and a local neighbourhood area where people walking, cycling, horseriding, rolling or otherwise travelling by active means are the priority. Treatments could include many aspects of traffic calming used in conjunction with signage, pavement markings, landscaping, and others.


The District of North Saanich Active Transportation Plan (adopted May 2021) first identified the need for neighbourhood gateways at Birch Road, Wain Road and Downey Road, as well as traffic calming along Tatlow Road. Specifically, roads identified for neighbourhood gateway treatments "provide an opportunity to influence driver behaviours as they leave the major road network and enter local neighbourhood streets where they should drive more slowly and with greater care as the likelihood of encountering pedestrians and cyclists is greater, and more residential dwellings face the roadway".

Additionally, Tatlow Road was identified as a candidate for traffic calming as it provides access to Horth Hill Regional Park, but often finds itself carrying short-cutting traffic from West Saanich Road to Wain Road that could otherwise stay on both of those roads. The implementation of traffic calming on Tatlow Road was identified as a method to create a corridor that meets the general goals of the Active Transportation Plan, including the need to improve safety and make it more comfortable to walk, cycle, and horseback ride.

About the Project:

The District of North Saanich is undertaking a project to improve community safety and comfort along Tatlow, Birch, Wain and Downey Roads along with key intersections at these roadways within Deep Cove, through the introduction of traffic calming and gateway treatments. These improvements to the roadway will have the effect of reducing traffic speeds, and encouraging increased attention and care when travelling, thereby making the community safer for all users, whether walking, cycling, on horseback or driving.

Project Timeline:

  • Community Engagement - April/May 2024
  • Draft Recommendations - Summer 2024
  • Public Open House - September 18, 2024 - Wain Rd Fire Hall, 6-8pm
  • Final Recommendations presented to Council - Q4 2024 / Q1 2025

Community Engagement:

District staff are keen to hear from community members about traffic and safety issues within and nearby the project areas, as well as what specific types of improvements are desired. Community members will have the following opportunities to provide feedback to District staff:

  • A survey and online mapping tool opened April 3 - April 21, 2024. The online mapping tool can be used to indicate precise locations within the community where the respondent wishes to provide feedback. Individual feedback will also be received via the project site.
  • A public open house will be held September 18, where preliminary recommendations and treatment options will be presented. Community members will be able to provide comment on recommendations, vote for their preferred treatment options, and suggest additional tweaks.

UPDATE November 15, 2024

What We Heard Report added to Documents. This report summarizes findings from both rounds of community engagement. The key takeaways from this summary will guide the recommended improvements in the final report.

UPDATE Sept 13, 2024

The Draft Deep Cove Neighborhood Gateway Plan and the Draft Tatlow Traffic Calming Plan are now available for review (on the right, under Documents).

UPDATE - Community Engagement #1 - Survey

Survey Responses Report PDF (summary and verbatim responses) added to Documents

What We Heard Summary from Survey #1:

A collection of comments received from survey participants is shown below. These comments help form the preliminary recommendations and options.


  • Extend curb protected asphalt sidewalk on east side of West Saanich Road past Tatlow intersection, and add traffic calming to this area
  • Zebra crosswalk at Tatlow / Clayton Trail
  • Traffic calming may encourage more traffic through West Saanich school zone
  • Road surface needs repair – hazard for cyclists
  • Slow down traffic – speed reader board
  • Mixed opinions on speed humps
  • Sidewalks/bike lanes
  • Equestrian path
  • No trucks except local traffic
  • Crosswalk with lights at Clayton Trail
  • Crosswalk at Horth Hill trail
  • Removal of centreline (2 say it encourages speeding)
  • Bike pullouts (1 says it saves trees over a bike lane)
  • Parking at the commercial stand is an issue (no/limited off-street parking)
  • Crosswalk between 2 segments of Laurel/Heather – a route to school
  • Stop signs
  • Preserve trees in Right of Way
  • (Some say no changes needed)

Deep Cove:

  • Birch Road:
    • East of Meldran curve – blind driveway with possible vegetation/hydro pole obstruction
    • Crosswalk at Wain Park – visibility should be improved
    • Speeding not as bad as Tatlow
    • Poor visibility/sightlines at west end of road
    • Extend existing trail
    • Speed bumps, especially near park (mixed opinions on this)
    • Bikes should slow down
  • Wain Road:
    • Not enough walking space
    • Speeding concerns
    • Traffic calming, especially Derrick to West Saanich
    • Mixed opinions on speed bumps (1 says will cause added acceleration noise after bump)
    • 4-way stop at Wain / West Saanich
    • Roundabout at Wain / West Saanich
    • Multi-use path (MUP)
    • Stop sign at Derrick
    • Walking trail connection at crest of hill – traffic calming needed
  • Downey Road:
    • Equestrian signage
    • Traffic calming from Derrick to West Saanich (1 says also to the hill west of Derrick)
    • Stop sign at Derrick
    • Sidewalks
    • Hedge trimming at West Saanich, Derrick, Deep Cove Rd
    • Equestrian safety concerns (speeding, etc.)

Project Area & Definitions:

The project area is defined in the map below. Traffic calming is proposed for Tatlow Road between Wain Road and West Saanich Road, while gateway treatments are proposed for the intersections of Birch, Wain and Downey Roads with West Saanich Road. The west portion of Tatlow Road (between West Saanich Road and Chalet Road) is outside of the study area, however recommended treatments will be considered for this portion of the roadway.

Traffic Calming refers to physical changes to the roadway that are intended to reduce traffic speeds, and can include speed humps, chicanes, curb extensions, pedestrian refuge islands and others. Traffic calming can also incorporate a variety of visual changes which are designed to increase driver attentiveness.

Gateway Treatment refers to physical changes and augmentations to the roadway that signify a transition between an area where higher vehicle speeds are permissible, and a local neighbourhood area where people walking, cycling, horseriding, rolling or otherwise travelling by active means are the priority. Treatments could include many aspects of traffic calming used in conjunction with signage, pavement markings, landscaping, and others.


The District of North Saanich Active Transportation Plan (adopted May 2021) first identified the need for neighbourhood gateways at Birch Road, Wain Road and Downey Road, as well as traffic calming along Tatlow Road. Specifically, roads identified for neighbourhood gateway treatments "provide an opportunity to influence driver behaviours as they leave the major road network and enter local neighbourhood streets where they should drive more slowly and with greater care as the likelihood of encountering pedestrians and cyclists is greater, and more residential dwellings face the roadway".

Additionally, Tatlow Road was identified as a candidate for traffic calming as it provides access to Horth Hill Regional Park, but often finds itself carrying short-cutting traffic from West Saanich Road to Wain Road that could otherwise stay on both of those roads. The implementation of traffic calming on Tatlow Road was identified as a method to create a corridor that meets the general goals of the Active Transportation Plan, including the need to improve safety and make it more comfortable to walk, cycle, and horseback ride.

Page last updated: 15 Nov 2024, 01:49 PM