Official Community Plan Review

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About the Official Community Plan (OCP) review

The District of North Saanich is re-engaging with District residents on their vision for the future of North Saanich through our Official Community Plan.

We want to hear from you! The District of North Saanich is reconnecting with residents to gather input on their vision for the future of our community through the Official Community Plan.

Outlined below are our principles for engaging with District residents:

District Staff commit to being accessible to residents one-on-one, and through a range of engagement activities ranging from open houses to pop-ups in the community.


District Staff commit to drafting policies with a clear link to the problem to be solved, the benefit to be had, and the connection of any policy to community input or Council direction.


District Staff commit to an efficient process that values the time of residents and recognizes the contributions made during earlier phases of the OCP review.


Topic Areas for Community Engagement

District Staff are organizing engagement activities around six key topic areas to guide our discussions with residents and ensure a streamlined process for drafting the Official Community Plan. Some engagement events combine topic areas where there are direct parallels and overlap.

Agriculture and Food Security
Sustainability and Resiliency
Climate, Environment and Ecology
Rural Character and Sense of Place
Housing and Affordability
Marine and Waterways

Click "Subscribe" to the right for project updates.

Questions or comments? Get in touch with planning staff directly.

Stay tuned for more details!

About the Official Community Plan (OCP) review

The District of North Saanich is re-engaging with District residents on their vision for the future of North Saanich through our Official Community Plan.

We want to hear from you! The District of North Saanich is reconnecting with residents to gather input on their vision for the future of our community through the Official Community Plan.

Outlined below are our principles for engaging with District residents:

District Staff commit to being accessible to residents one-on-one, and through a range of engagement activities ranging from open houses to pop-ups in the community.


District Staff commit to drafting policies with a clear link to the problem to be solved, the benefit to be had, and the connection of any policy to community input or Council direction.


District Staff commit to an efficient process that values the time of residents and recognizes the contributions made during earlier phases of the OCP review.


Topic Areas for Community Engagement

District Staff are organizing engagement activities around six key topic areas to guide our discussions with residents and ensure a streamlined process for drafting the Official Community Plan. Some engagement events combine topic areas where there are direct parallels and overlap.

Agriculture and Food Security
Sustainability and Resiliency
Climate, Environment and Ecology
Rural Character and Sense of Place
Housing and Affordability
Marine and Waterways

Click "Subscribe" to the right for project updates.

Questions or comments? Get in touch with planning staff directly.

Stay tuned for more details!

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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  • The District of North Saanich and its employees greatly value the enthusiasm and commitment residents have demonstrated in engaging with the Official Community Plan since 2020. As we reflect on past materials, surveys, and resident input, we're eager to hear directly from you about what strategies and approaches worked best in previous engagement efforts. Your insights are invaluable to us, and we warmly welcome your feedback.

    Take Survey
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  • Take Survey
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    To help Staff gauge interest in the second round of OCP engagement events, please let us know which of the following events you may be able to attend.

    These events will run during the times specified below, at the following venues, and dates:

    Agriculture and Food Security, Wednesday, May 22:
    BBQ at the District Fire Hall (986 Wain Road) from 2 – 6 p.m., and a workshop with residents from 4 p.m.- 6 p.m.


    Rural Character, Sense of Place, Housing and Affordability, Thursday, June 6:
    Come join your neighbours and help work through the challenges of housing and rural character in the District. 

    The event will be held at the Municipal Hall (1620 Mills Road) from 4 – 7 p.m.


    Marine and Waterways, Monday, June 10:
    Join us as we work through community priorities for managing the marine environment and terrestrial waterways in the District. 

    The event will run from 4 – 7 p.m. at the Saanich Peninsula Presbyterian Church (9296 East Saanich Road).


    Sustainability, Climate and Ecology, Tuesday, June 18: 

    Share your thoughts on environmental protection and climate, and how we consider North Saanich’s role as part of a wider bio-region.
    The event will be held at the Holy Trinity Hall (1319 Mills Road) from 4 – 7 p.m.


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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Engagement Event June 6th, 2024

    The staff of North Saanich are seeking your opinions on housing and affordability in rural spaces, and how to address these issues best. 

    Please let us know what points matter most to you and write down if there is anything we may have missed. 

    Share Rural Character, Sense of Place & Housing and Affordability Survey on Facebook Share Rural Character, Sense of Place & Housing and Affordability Survey on Twitter Share Rural Character, Sense of Place & Housing and Affordability Survey on Linkedin Email Rural Character, Sense of Place & Housing and Affordability Survey link
Page last updated: 10 Sep 2024, 12:29 PM