CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
This survey seeks your feedback and advice on how to direct District resources in 2024 and whether to expand service in some areas. Completing the survey takes approximately 15 minutes.
Council sets the District’s direction through its Strategic Plan. View the 2023 - 2026 Strategic Plan.
The District has five strategic goals:
- Protect the natural environment
- Focus on local Agriculture and support food production and systems
- Maintain a safe, inclusive, healthy, and vibrant community
- Support growth that is environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable
- Embody good governance principles of community engagement, accountability, leadership, impartiality, and transparency
Each year the District develops an annual budget outlining how tax dollars are spent and which services are provided to our residents and community. We include a five-year balanced financial plan to guide our strategic investments and departmental service plans.
The operating budget outlines how property taxes and user fees are used to deliver services. The capital budget outlines how reserve funds are used to replace existing assets and improve amenities such as parks and trails, roads, underground utilities, municipal buildings, and transportation networks.
The District’s 2024 budget will be developed using the 2023 operational budget as a base. The 2023 operational budget was $23.1 million. The table below shows how those funds were allocated to different programs and activities in 2023.
Table 1. 2023 Budget Allocation by Department

*for details of each category listed above, see Appendix 1 – Operating Budget Category Details.
The District’s 2023 capital budget of $12 million funds the replacement and renewal of municipal assets and amenities including parks, trails, roads, underground utilities, municipal vehicles, equipment and buildings. The table below shows how the capital budget was allocated to the various projects and replacement initiatives.
Table 2. 2023 Budget Allocation by Project

View the full 2023 Budget.
The survey closes at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, February 23, 2024.
You can request a paper copy of the survey at North Saanich Municipal Hall, and submit it to front counter staff when completed.
Notice of collection
All information received will be compiled and considered by staff for use under the purposes of this site. Information will be collected and used in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and other relevant privacy legislation. All comments made on this site are available to the public and may form part of public records.